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What Are Milia? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Milia

Updated: Jan 11

Milia are small, white, or yellowish, hard cysts or bumps that typically appear on the skin, particularly on the face, around the eyes, and on the cheeks. Milia are usually painless and harmless but are really unpleasant as they look unsightly. They are often mistaken for whiteheads or pimples.

I've had many milia over the years even though I have amazing skincare, use high-quality make-up, and eat a very healthy diet. I normally remove my own using a micro lance, even the ones near my eyes. As you may know, I love the medical side of the industry. I've recently trained as a phlebotomist and am training in Mesotherapy and micro sclerotherapy. All of these treatments will be available in the salon soon.

Milia form when dead skin cells become trapped in small pockets on the skin's surface. They can occur in people of all ages, including newborns, but are more commonly seen in infants and adults with certain skin conditions. Some common causes of milia include:

1. Skin damage - Trauma to the skin, such as burns, sun damage, or blistering, can lead to the development of milia.

2. Use of heavy skincare products - Using rich or heavy creams, lotions, or makeup can sometimes contribute to the development of milia.

3. Clogged pores - When the skin's natural exfoliation process is disrupted, dead skin cells can become trapped in the pores and lead to the formation of milia.

Milia are generally harmless and don't cause any pain or discomfort. Many people may have one or a few milia at some point in their lives without even realizing it. They often go away on their own over time as the trapped skin cells naturally shed.

There are a few methods that can be used to remove milia:

1. Extraction - A trained skincare professional can use a sterile needle or lancet to carefully puncture the milia and then extract the trapped keratin. This procedure should only be performed by a professional to avoid infection or scarring.

2. Topical treatments - Certain skincare products containing retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), or other exfoliating agents can help promote cell turnover and gradually improve milia. The Environ Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner - click here - is an excellent product to help exfoliate the skin and reduce milia.

3. Electrolysis - A trained skincare professional can the electrolysis probe to destroy the milia which will then be reabsorbed by the body.

What to expect during Milia Removal?

Your skin will be assessed and cleaned using surgical spirit.

We will open the skin using a micro-lance or electrolysis probe and then remove the milia. Your skin may be red afterward and may bleed slightly, which is totally normal. We will give you products to aid healing to use at home.


Always wash your hands before touching your face.

Follow your normal skincare routine adding in the aftercare products we have given you.

Your skin will heal in 1-2 weeks depending on your skin's condition, your age, and your health.

Never pick the area and if you have a scab never remove it. Just apply the Vitamin A & D Ointment we have given you morning and night.

If you develop any infection contact our salon or your GP immediately.

It's important to note that attempting to remove milia at home by squeezing or poking them can lead to infection, scarring, or other complications. If you're concerned about milia or wish to have them removed, it's best to consult a qualified skincare professional for proper assessment and treatment.

Many of the Beauty Therapists at Beauty Essence can quickly remove your milia so get in touch to make your booking or book online – click here & book in Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Over the years we've treated thousands of clients, so you're in safe hands.

Mary Gillmore

Director and founder of Beauty Essence

Beauty Therapist


7 Well Court, EC4M9DN

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